The My Weight– What To Know podcast covers all aspects of what it takes to lose weight and keep it off. We talk to psychologists, dietitians and physicians about strategies and treatments available for reaching our best weight in a sustainable way.
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Episode description:
Weight management expert Dr. Shahebina Walji shares how hormones can affect our weight and what we can do about it…
Three takeaways from this episode:
1. The why of weight loss is critical – a lower weight on the scale should not be the goal, but health (physical, mental, and psychological) should be. Envision who you want to be as your best self, and decide what do you need to begin doing, and what do you need to stop doing.
2. Many times, overeating can be caused by the dopamine-response in our subconscious brain, which can only be reached by medicine.
3. Late sleep (both at night and in the morning) is a major factor of obesity. Consistency in a sleep cycle, avoiding screens before bedtime, and any sleep rituals that work to improve sleep are both crucial for this.
Watch this episode of My Weight Live below.
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