
My Weight - What to Know was created in 2018...

by me, Ansley, and my husband Fred. Food, weight and health are issues that affect EVERYONE, but so often, we don’t get the whole story about how our bodies (and our brains!) work when it comes to weight. Our goal is to share insights from the medical experts who are on the cutting edge of the latest research on what causes weight gain, what really works for weight loss, and how we can shape our environment to make the healthiest choices.

There are a lot of myths about weight management that contribute to obesity stigma & the bias that exists towards people in larger bodies.

It has been a privilege to interview healthcare professionals (doctors, nurses, dietitians, and psychologists) working in the weight management space so we can make the FACTS available to everyone.

This is a site dedicated to education which does not promote specific branded products. We are driven by our passion to make health information available and understandable so that everyone can live a long, healthy life.

If you have type 2 diabetes, you may find our sister site, Diabetes – What To Know, helpful. Similarly, My Heart- What To Know provides useful information about good heart health and how we can prevent future cardiovascular issues.

Lead Dietitian

Melinda Maryniuk is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator. She has worked in the field of diabetes education for nearly 40 years and has spent nearly 30 affiliated with Joslin Diabetes Center. Melinda received her Masters of Education from Tufts University. In her spare time (in addition to cooking and eating, which most dietitians love to do), Melinda loves any excuse to be outdoors – biking, kayaking, skiing, hiking, or just getting dirty in the garden.


My Weight – What To Know has received sponsorship funding from Novo Nordisk Canada to develop and promote content on this website. All content is created independently by My Weight – What to Know, with no influence from Novo Nordisk. Novo Nordisk is not responsible for the content.

My Weight – What To Know has also received sponsorship funding from Currax Pharmaceuticals, Rimidi, a digital health company, and Choice Plus Health, a healthcare brand sold exclusively on Amazon.com. These sponsors believe in health education, and do not in any way influence the content created by My Weight – What To Know.

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