

Seeing a medical professional who specializes in weight management can be helpful for many people living with obesity and excess weight. Search below to find treatment and support resources near you.

*My Weight - What To Know is not affiliated with any of the practices listed, does not endorse any healthcare professional listed, and is not responsible for the conduct of healthcare professionals at these facilities.


Here’s a list of physicians by province so you can search for a physician in your province who offers virtual visits.


If you’re a healthcare professional who would like to be added to this directory, contact us by clicking here.


Check out Constant Health, a virtual program that offers one-on-one support. For a limited time, there’s no charge if your doctor provides a referral. Click for more info.

Not all services provided by these clinics or individual healthcare professionals listed are necessarily covered by public health plans. Some services may require a referral from your healthcare provider. These resources may charge additional fees or dues… please contact them for more information. We do not endorse the services or individuals listed on this site.

My Weight – What To Know reserves the right to include physicians that we find align with our certification requirements and overall platform objectives. For more information on how to be included on the physician locator, please feel free to contact us.

My Weight – What to Know has received sponsorship funding from Novo Nordisk Canada for the Find a Physician locator. Novo Nordisk had no input or influence into My Weight – What to Know’s criteria for identifying or selecting obesity specialists or clinics listed on this locator. Novo Nordisk does not endorse any physician or clinic listed.